Water/Wastewater Logo

Water & Wastewater Critical Infrastructure Exchange

 The Institute for Homeland Security at Sam Houston State University

Upcoming Events

RuralWaterCon 2025

Organizer: Texas Rural Water Association
Date: March 26 - 28, 2025
Location: Austin, TX
IHS Panelist

More Info

What is Water and Wastewater (W/WW) Critical Infrastructure (CI)
and what does it have to do with Homeland Security?

The W/WW CI sector is considered a lifeline sector, a sector vital to the life of the individual and society. The safety, resilience and continuity of this sector is paramount to the Nation’s economy and public health. The goal of this sector is to provide clean drinking water and properly treated wastewater, services essential to everyday life.

We have created this webpage to provide educational resources in an attempt to demonstrate why these systems are vital and why they are considered CI and part of Homeland Security.

What is the Water/Wastewater Critical Infrastructure Exchange?

Our newly formed exchange is comprised of a community of academic, public, and private entities, and associations. This exchange aims to facilitate the cross sector sharing of ideas, all working towards a collaborative effort to improve the security, resiliency, and business continuity of the water/wastewater critical infrastructure sector.

Goals of Exchange

Promote Collaboration Between Stakeholders

    Collaboration establishes a foundation of trust and understanding of the needs of the sector. Strong relationships between stakeholders will lead to a more secure and resilient sector.

Identify Gaps and
Find Solutions

    Working together to identify gaps affecting the sector. A resilient water sector will depend on finding solutions to problems together. Workforce development, research, collaborative events, and trainings are ways in which we can come together to solve the shared issues of the sector.

Communication and Support

    Promote knowledge sharing among stakeholders to support and ensure a secure sector for the future.

Informational Resources

 <a href='https://ihsonline.org/Portals/0/Images/Newsletter/2024/December Newsletter 2024.pdf?ver=851UcCDaRU6qCrl96Oj8tQ%3d%3d' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer' class='best-prac-link'>Water & Wastewater December 2024 Newsletter</a><br />IHS
 <a class='best-prac-link' href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aSgI6y7UwQ' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>Water and Wastewater Sector Dependencies</a><br />CISA
 <a class='best-prac-link' href='https://www.texaswater.org/news/texas-water-foundation-and-texas-rural-funders-call-for-collaboration-to-address-critical-water-and-broadband-workforce-gaps-in-texas' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>Texas Water Foundation and Texas Rural Funders Call for Collaboration to Address Critical Water and Broadband Workforce Gaps in Texas</a><br />TWF & TRF
 <a class='best-prac-link' href='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d88b5ada6a5f409ddb3da56/t/64493e404ff9f163e965fa9d/1682521665821/TWF_TexasWaterWorkforce_.pdf' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>Workforce Concerns in the Texas Water Industry</a><br>TWF
 <a class='best-prac-link' href='https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2024-09/interagency-water-workforce-working-group-report-to-congress_august-2024-508-compliant.pdf' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>Interagency Water Workforce Working Group Report to Congress</a> <br>EPA
 <a href='https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/inside-politics/texas-politics/texas-agriculture-commissioner-sound-alarm-says-texas-is-running-out-of-water/287-f9fea38a-9a77-4f85-b495-72dd9e6dba7e' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer' class='best-prac-link'>Texas is Running out of Water - Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller</a><br />WFAA
Related Research

The Institute conducts research aligned with our core mission, and we actively invite everyone to participate
and submit research proposals, by clicking the button below.

Connected Agencies

Reyna Loosmore

Ms. Reyna

Project Manager II -
Water/Wastewater Sector

Bio & Publications

Impact Quote

"When the well is dry, we'll know the worth of water."

- Benjamin Franklin