Critical Infrastructure Research Forum (CIRF)

What is the Critical Infrastructure Research Forum?

The Critical Infrastructure Research Forum (CIRF) aims to create a funded pipeline for research on critical infrastructure protection (CIP). It is a collaboration between IHS and industry partners to address knowledge gaps and develop strategies to reduce risks across all critical infrastructure sectors. The goal is to provide valuable, tailored insights for both industry and public institutions to safeguard infrastructure crucial to Texas and the national economy. We are modeled after and partner with the Texas A&M Mary Kay O’Conner Process Safety Center.

CIRF is funded through corporate sponsorships and research grants, with a Steering Committee offering guidance on prioritizing research projects conducted by IHS’s research team.

Additionally, CIRF aims to offer professional development training and workshops on CIP risk mitigation, aligned with industry needs and security management compliance. These resources will help partners enhance performance and meet their goals.

Scott McHugh

Mr. Scott

Program Executive - Private Sector
Project Manager II - Chemical
Membership Relations 936-294-3109 Bio & Publications

Ryan Randa

Mr. Ryan

Deputy Director
Research Relations 936-294-4366 Bio & Publications